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Abbr. Full
AB Edward Lhuyd, Archaeologia Britannia (London 1707 [reprinted Shannon 1971])
Bilbao MS Henry Jenner 'The Cornish Manuscript in the provincial library at Bilbao, Spain', Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall 21 (1924-25): 421-37
  • missing
BK Graham Thomas & Nicholas Williams (editors), Bewnans Ke: The Life of St Kea (Exeter 2007)
BM Whitley Stokes (editor), Beunans Meriasek: the life of St Meriasek, Bishop and confessor, a Cornish drama (London: Trübner and Co. 1872)
Bodewyrd MS Andrew Hawke, 'A Rediscovered Cornish-English Vocabulary', Cornish Studies: Nine (2001): 83-104.
Borde Andrew Borde, cited from J. Loth, 'Cornique moderne', Archiv für Celtische Lexicographie 1 (1900): 224-28 [1]
Borlase William Borlase, Antiquities of the County of Cornwall (London 1754)
Carew F.E. Halliday (editor), Richard Carew of Antony, the survey of Cornwall (London 1953)
CF The Charter Fragment, text from E. Campanile, 'Un frammento scenico medio-cornico', Studi e saggi linguistici 60-80, supplement to L'Italia Dialettale 26
Chygwyn The song 'Delkyow Sevy', quoted by William Pryce F f 4 v.
CPNE O.J. Padel, Cornish Place-Name Elements (Nottingham 1985)
CW Whitley Stokes, Gwreans an Bys: The Creation of the World (London 1864 [reprinted 2003 by Kessinger Publishing, Montana, USA])
Exeter Consistory Court Deposition of the Bishop's Consistory Court at Exeter (1572). Quoted from Martyn F. Wakelin, Language and history in Cornwall (Leicester University Press 1975): 89
Geirlyer Kyrnweig Edward Lhuyd's Cornish glossary, National Library of Wales. MS Llanstephan 84.
Gwavas MS BM Add. MS 28, 554 f. 106, edited by R. Hooper, Old Cornwall vol. ix, no. 11, Autumn 1984
Jago F. W. P. Jago, Dialect of Cornwall (Truro 1882)
JBoson Cornish writings of John Boson in O.J. Padel, The Cornish Writings of the Boson Family (Redruth 1975)
JCH John of Chyanhor, in O.J. Padel, The Cornish Writings of the Boson Family (Redruth 1975)
NBoson Nicholas Boson, 'Nebbaz Gerriau dro tho Carnoack', in O.J. Padel, The Cornish Writings of the Boson Family (Redruth 1975)
JJenkins two poems by James Jenkins, quoted in Pryce (1790)
JKeigwin 1. John Keigwin's translation of the letter of Charles I in Tremenheere MSS, Morrab Library, Penzance, typescript edition by P.A.S. Pool (1995); 2. His translation of Genesis 1, from Gwavas collection, British Library Add MS 28554; 3. The Lords prayer in Cornish, Gwavas Collection
JTonkin two poems by John Tonkin (c. 1693 & c. 1695) in LAM: 224-228
LAM Alan Kent and Tim Saunders (editors), Looking at the Mermaid: A Reader in Cornish Literature 900-1900 (London 2000)
Lhuyd MSS proverbs from Lhuyd's Manuscripts in W.C. Borlase, 'A Collection of hitherto unpublished Proverbs and rhymes, in the Ancient Cornish Language', Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall 2 1866: 10
OCV Eugene V. Graves, The Old Cornish Vocabulary (PhD thesis, Columbia University 1962)
Oliver Oldwanton Michael Flachman (editor), 'The First English Epistolary Novel: "The Image of Idleness (1555)", Studies in Philology 87, No. 1 (Winter 1990). University of North Carolina Press
OM 'Origo Mundi' in Edwin Norris, The Ancient Cornish Drama (London 1859 [reprinted New York & London 1968]: i 1-219
OPender letter by Oliver Pender (August 1711) in LAM: 239
PA Harry Woodhouse (editor), The Cornish Passion Poem in facsimile (Penryn 2002)
PC 'Passio Christi' in Edwin Norris, The Ancient Cornish Drama (London 1859 [reprinted New York & London 1968]: i 221-479
Pryce William Pryce, Archaeologia Cornu-Britannica (Sherborne 1790 [reprinted Menston, Yorkshire 1972])
RD 'Resurrexio Domini' in Edwin Norris, The Ancient Cornish Drama (London 1859 [reprinted New York & London 1968]: ii 1-199
Richard Symonds Charles Edward Long (editor), Diary of the Marches of the Royal Army during the Great Civil War; kept by Richard Symonds (Camden Society 1859)
Rowe J. Loth (editor), 'Textes inédits en cornique moderne', Revue Celtique 23, 173-200. [2]
SA Sacrament an Alter, text quoted from an unpublished edition by D.H. Frost (St David's College 2003)
Scawen MSS proverbs and rhymes from Mr. Scawen's Manuscripts in W.C. Borlase, 'A Collection of hitherto unpublished Proverbs and rhymes, in the Ancient Cornish Language; from the Manuscripts of Dr Borlase', Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall 2 1866: 9-10 [3]
TBoson Cornish writings of Thomas Boson in O.J. Padel, The Cornish Writings of the Boson Family (Redruth 1975)
TH John Tregear, Homelyes xiii in Cornyshe (British Library Additional MS 46, 397) [text from a cyclostyled text published by Christopher Bice (s.l. [1969])
Ustick MSS proverbs and rhymes from Ustick's Manuscripts in W.C. Borlase, 'A Collection of hitherto unpublished Proverbs and rhymes, in the Ancient Cornish Language; from the Manuscripts of Dr Borlase', Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall 2 1866: 11-12
WBodinar P.A.S. Pool & O.J. Padel, 'William Bodinar's Letter, 1776', Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, New Series, vol. 7 (1975-76), 231-36
WGwavas writings by William Gwavas in Pryce and LAM.