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Abbr. | Full |
AB | Edward Lhuyd, Archaeologia Britannia (London 1707 [reprinted Shannon 1971]) |
Bilbao MS | Henry Jenner 'The Cornish Manuscript in the provincial library at Bilbao, Spain', Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall 21 (1924-25): 421-37
BK | Graham Thomas & Nicholas Williams (editors), Bewnans Ke: The Life of St Kea (Exeter 2007) |
BM | Whitley Stokes (editor), Beunans Meriasek: the life of St Meriasek, Bishop and confessor, a Cornish drama (London: Trübner and Co. 1872) |
Bodewyrd MS | Andrew Hawke, 'A Rediscovered Cornish-English Vocabulary', Cornish Studies: Nine (2001): 83-104. |
Borde | Andrew Borde, cited from J. Loth, 'Cornique moderne', Archiv für Celtische Lexicographie 1 (1900): 224-28 [1] |
Borlase | William Borlase, Antiquities of the County of Cornwall (London 1754) |
Carew | F.E. Halliday (editor), Richard Carew of Antony, the survey of Cornwall (London 1953) |
CF | The Charter Fragment, text from E. Campanile, 'Un frammento scenico medio-cornico', Studi e saggi linguistici 60-80, supplement to L'Italia Dialettale 26 |
Chygwyn | The song 'Delkyow Sevy', quoted by William Pryce F f 4 v. |
CPNE | O.J. Padel, Cornish Place-Name Elements (Nottingham 1985) |
CW | Whitley Stokes, Gwreans an Bys: The Creation of the World (London 1864 [reprinted 2003 by Kessinger Publishing, Montana, USA]) |
Exeter Consistory Court | Deposition of the Bishop's Consistory Court at Exeter (1572). Quoted from Martyn F. Wakelin, Language and history in Cornwall (Leicester University Press 1975): 89 |
Geirlyer Kyrnweig | Edward Lhuyd's Cornish glossary, National Library of Wales. MS Llanstephan 84. |
Gwavas MS | BM Add. MS 28, 554 f. 106, edited by R. Hooper, Old Cornwall vol. ix, no. 11, Autumn 1984 |
Jago | F. W. P. Jago, Dialect of Cornwall (Truro 1882) |
JBoson | Cornish writings of John Boson in O.J. Padel, The Cornish Writings of the Boson Family (Redruth 1975)
JCH | John of Chyanhor, in O.J. Padel, The Cornish Writings of the Boson Family (Redruth 1975) |
NBoson | Nicholas Boson, 'Nebbaz Gerriau dro tho Carnoack', in O.J. Padel, The Cornish Writings of the Boson Family (Redruth 1975) |
JJenkins | two poems by James Jenkins, quoted in Pryce (1790) |
JKeigwin | 1. John Keigwin's translation of the letter of Charles I in Tremenheere MSS, Morrab Library, Penzance, typescript edition by P.A.S. Pool (1995); 2. His translation of Genesis 1, from Gwavas collection, British Library Add MS 28554; 3. The Lords prayer in Cornish, Gwavas Collection |
JTonkin | two poems by John Tonkin (c. 1693 & c. 1695) in LAM: 224-228
LAM | Alan Kent and Tim Saunders (editors), Looking at the Mermaid: A Reader in Cornish Literature 900-1900 (London 2000) |
Lhuyd MSS | proverbs from Lhuyd's Manuscripts in W.C. Borlase, 'A Collection of hitherto unpublished Proverbs and rhymes, in the Ancient Cornish Language', Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall 2 1866: 10 |
OCV | Eugene V. Graves, The Old Cornish Vocabulary (PhD thesis, Columbia University 1962) |
Oliver Oldwanton | Michael Flachman (editor), 'The First English Epistolary Novel: "The Image of Idleness (1555)", Studies in Philology 87, No. 1 (Winter 1990). University of North Carolina Press |
OM | 'Origo Mundi' in Edwin Norris, The Ancient Cornish Drama (London 1859 [reprinted New York & London 1968]: i 1-219 |
OPender | letter by Oliver Pender (August 1711) in LAM: 239
PA | Harry Woodhouse (editor), The Cornish Passion Poem in facsimile (Penryn 2002) |
PC | 'Passio Christi' in Edwin Norris, The Ancient Cornish Drama (London 1859 [reprinted New York & London 1968]: i 221-479 |
Pryce | William Pryce, Archaeologia Cornu-Britannica (Sherborne 1790 [reprinted Menston, Yorkshire 1972]) |
RD | 'Resurrexio Domini' in Edwin Norris, The Ancient Cornish Drama (London 1859 [reprinted New York & London 1968]: ii 1-199 |
Richard Symonds | Charles Edward Long (editor), Diary of the Marches of the Royal Army during the Great Civil War; kept by Richard Symonds (Camden Society 1859) |
Rowe | J. Loth (editor), 'Textes inédits en cornique moderne', Revue Celtique 23, 173-200. [2] |
SA | Sacrament an Alter, text quoted from an unpublished edition by D.H. Frost (St David's College 2003) |
Scawen MSS | proverbs and rhymes from Mr. Scawen's Manuscripts in W.C. Borlase, 'A Collection of hitherto unpublished Proverbs and rhymes, in the Ancient Cornish Language; from the Manuscripts of Dr Borlase', Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall 2 1866: 9-10 [3] |
TBoson | Cornish writings of Thomas Boson in O.J. Padel, The Cornish Writings of the Boson Family (Redruth 1975) |
TH | John Tregear, Homelyes xiii in Cornyshe (British Library Additional MS 46, 397) [text from a cyclostyled text published by Christopher Bice (s.l. [1969]) |
Ustick MSS | proverbs and rhymes from Ustick's Manuscripts in W.C. Borlase, 'A Collection of hitherto unpublished Proverbs and rhymes, in the Ancient Cornish Language; from the Manuscripts of Dr Borlase', Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall 2 1866: 11-12 |
WBodinar | P.A.S. Pool & O.J. Padel, 'William Bodinar's Letter, 1776', Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, New Series, vol. 7 (1975-76), 231-36 |
WGwavas | writings by William Gwavas in Pryce and LAM. |